Workers Compensation Benefit Comparison

One component of our extensive livery insurance program is discounted workers compensation insurance. Our extensive knowledge of the livery business has provided us with the capability to recognize distinct risk exposures and develop advanced coverage strategies in which we can fully combat them.

As a livery business owner, you are required by law to carry workers compensation. Massachusetts companies and livery companies throughout New England can benefit from workers comp insurance that is designed specifically for the livery industry.

Our discount workers compensation package will help protect your employees in the event of injury or illness during the course of employment. Our strategies for Massachusetts workers compensation, Rhode Island workers compensation, and workers comp for the rest of New England, can provide coverage for:

Medical expenses
Lost income/wages
Rehabilitation costs
Death benefits
And more…
Contact Wolpert Insurance today to learn more about

Contact Wolpert Insurance today to learn more about workers compensation in Massachusetts and everywhere else in the region. Discover how you can better protect your business and your livery team today!

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